SCC School Community Council

Member Roster School Year 2024-2025

Member Role Officer
Ervin Pasalo Principal  
Gerard Espiritu Teacher  
Laurie Dela Cruz Teacher Secretary
Keola Panoncillo Classified  
Lori Seki Classified (Alternate)  
Eric Taylor Parent Vice Chair
Jason Chambers Parent  
Cary Miyashiro Community  
Stephanie Buelow Community Chairperson

School Community Councils

Click here for more information on the Hawaii DOE School Community Councils page.
The Hokulani Elementary School Community Council (SCC) was formed as a result of the State of Hawaii Legislature’s passage of ACT 51 (The Reinventing Education Act of 2004). ACT 51 was the State’s response to the Federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation which sets performance standards and progress requirements upon public schools and teachers.
SCC’s are forums for exchanging ideas about how to improve student achievement among the school’s stakeholders: Principal, teachers, school staff, parents, students and community members. SCC’s are a major part of the overall leadership structure at each school. They are a group of people who are elected by their peers to advise the Principal on specific matters that affect student achievement and school improvement. Their primary role is to participate in the process that ensures the needs of all students are specifically addressed in the overall education plan for the school.
Each public school in Hawaii has an SCC. The SCC is comprised of the school Principal and representatives from faculty, students, parents and community.
The SCC usually meets on the third Monday of each month at 3:00 pm in the library. The meeting dates are posted on our calendar. These meetings are open to the public.
SCC meetings are open to the entire Hokulani community to share in the improvement process. If you are unable to attend a meeting and have a concern that you would like to see addressed, we encourage you to contact any of the SCC members via email, phone message or written notes.
The agenda and minutes of the Hokulani SCC are submitted and posted through the Department of Education's "School Documents On-Line" web site.