Registration Information
Parents/Guardians will be able to upload supporting documents, such as
Enrollment Form (SIS-10W),
Birth Certificate,
Proof of Address,
a valid photo ID (e.g. Driver’s License, Passport, State ID) and
any supporting legal document(s) (e.g.Power of Attorney, Guardianship documents).
Note that electronic signatures are acceptable, and a fillable PDF SIS10W Enrollment Form will be provided for families.
Please note that schools will provide other forms to parents at the beginning of the school year, such as Free and Reduced Meal Application, Technology Responsible User Guidelines (TRUG), Student Transportation, Emergency Card, etc.
Student Registration Information (PDF located on the right side of the page)
Student Enrollment Form SIS-10W (PDF located on the right side of the page)
Student Information Update Form SIS-11 (PDF located on the right side of the page)
Student Publication/Audio/Video Release Form (PDF located on the right side of the page)
Questionnaire to Determine Eligibility MV1 (PDF located on the right side of the page)
VAX Parent Notice (PDF located on the right side of the page)
Student Health (SH) Record - Form 14 (PDF located on the right side of the page)
GE Request Form (PDF located on the right side of the page)
GE Guidelines (PDF located on the right side of the page)
GE Parent Flowchart (PDF located on the right side of the page)